[2023] What is a Virtual Fundraiser? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a new and innovative way to raise funds for your organization? Look no further than a virtual fundraiser! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about virtual fundraisers, including what they are, how they work, and the benefits they offer. So let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of virtual fundraising!

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

A virtual fundraiser is an online event or campaign designed to raise funds for a cause or organization. It leverages digital platforms and technology to engage donors, promote awareness, and collect donations. Virtual fundraisers offer a wide range of creative and interactive activities that can be accessed from anywhere, making them convenient and inclusive for participants. They have gained popularity in recent years, especially with the rise of online connectivity and the need for remote engagement.

Key Points:

  • Virtual fundraisers are online events or campaigns.
  • They leverage digital platforms and technology.
  • They offer creative and interactive activities.
  • Virtual fundraisers are convenient and inclusive.

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Quick Tips and Facts

Before we dive deeper into the world of virtual fundraisers, here are some quick tips and facts to get you started:

  1. Virtual fundraisers can be hosted by any organization, including nonprofits, schools, sports teams, and community groups.
  2. They can be standalone events or integrated into larger fundraising campaigns.
  3. Virtual fundraisers can take many forms, such as virtual walks, online auctions, live streaming events, and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.
  4. Social media platforms and crowdfunding websites are commonly used to promote and collect donations for virtual fundraisers.
  5. Virtual fundraisers offer a wide range of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and the ability to reach a global audience.
  6. Engaging and interactive activities are key to the success of virtual fundraisers, such as virtual challenges, online games, and live performances.
  7. Virtual fundraisers require careful planning and promotion to ensure maximum participation and donations.


Fundraising events have long been a popular way for organizations to raise funds and engage with donors. Traditional events, such as galas, auctions, and donor appreciation events, have been the go-to methods for many years. However, with the advancement of technology and the rise of online connectivity, virtual fundraisers have emerged as a powerful and effective alternative.

Virtual fundraisers offer a unique opportunity to connect with supporters from all over the world, breaking down geographical barriers and allowing for greater participation. They provide a convenient and accessible way for individuals to contribute to a cause they care about, without the need for physical attendance. With the right tools and strategies, virtual fundraisers can be just as impactful, if not more, than traditional in-person events.

What is a Virtual Fundraiser?

A virtual fundraiser is an online event or campaign that aims to raise funds for a cause or organization. It utilizes digital platforms and technology to engage donors, promote awareness, and collect donations. Virtual fundraisers can take various forms, including virtual walks, online auctions, live streaming events, and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.

The key difference between a virtual fundraiser and a traditional fundraising event is the medium through which it takes place. Instead of gathering in a physical location, participants and supporters connect virtually through their computers, smartphones, or other internet-enabled devices. This allows for greater flexibility and accessibility, as individuals can join from anywhere in the world.

Virtual fundraisers often incorporate interactive and engaging activities to encourage participation and donations. These can include virtual challenges, online games, live performances, and virtual auctions. By leveraging technology, virtual fundraisers create a dynamic and immersive experience for participants, making them feel connected to the cause and motivated to contribute.

How Do Virtual Fundraisers Work?

Virtual fundraisers work by utilizing digital platforms and technology to facilitate engagement, promotion, and donation collection. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how virtual fundraisers typically work:

  1. Choose a virtual fundraising platform: Select a virtual fundraising platform that suits your organization’s needs and goals. There are various platforms available, each offering different features and capabilities. Some popular virtual fundraising platforms include Walkathon Virtual™, Fundly, and Classy.

  2. Set up your virtual fundraiser: Create a dedicated webpage or campaign on the chosen platform to showcase your virtual fundraiser. Provide information about your cause, the fundraising goal, and how individuals can participate and donate. Customize the page with compelling visuals, videos, and stories to engage potential supporters.

  3. Promote your virtual fundraiser: Utilize social media, email marketing, and other digital channels to spread the word about your virtual fundraiser. Encourage your existing supporters to share the fundraiser with their networks. Leverage the power of storytelling to create emotional connections and inspire others to get involved.

  4. Engage participants: Offer interactive and engaging activities to keep participants motivated and connected to the cause. This can include virtual challenges, online games, live performances, and virtual auctions. Provide regular updates and progress reports to show the impact of donations and keep participants engaged throughout the fundraiser.

  5. Collect donations: Make it easy for individuals to donate by providing multiple payment options, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, or mobile payment apps. Ensure that the donation process is secure and user-friendly. Consider offering suggested donation amounts and providing incentives for larger donations, such as exclusive merchandise or virtual meet-and-greets.

  6. Express gratitude and follow-up: Show appreciation to your donors and participants by sending personalized thank-you messages. Keep them informed about the impact of their contributions and how the funds are being used. Maintain ongoing communication to nurture relationships and encourage future involvement.

By following these steps and leveraging the power of digital platforms, virtual fundraisers can effectively raise funds, engage supporters, and create a lasting impact.

Types of Virtual Fundraisers

Virtual fundraisers come in various forms, each offering unique opportunities for engagement and fundraising. Here are some popular types of virtual fundraisers:

  1. Virtual Walks/Runs: Participants track their steps or distance covered using fitness apps or wearable devices. They can join individually or form teams, raising funds based on their achievements. Virtual walks/runs can be themed, such as a “Walk for a Cause” or a “Virtual 5K.”

  2. Online Auctions: Donors contribute items or experiences to be auctioned off online. Participants can bid on these items, with the highest bidder winning. Online auctions can be live-streamed or run over a specific period, allowing participants to browse and bid at their convenience.

  3. Live Streaming Events: Organizations host live-streamed events, such as concerts, performances, or panel discussions, and encourage viewers to donate during the event. Live streaming platforms like YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch can be used to reach a wide audience.

  4. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Participants create personal fundraising pages and reach out to their networks for donations. They set fundraising goals and share their progress on social media, inspiring others to contribute. Peer-to-peer fundraising can be done individually or as part of a team.

  5. Virtual Galas: Organizations host virtual galas, complete with entertainment, guest speakers, and interactive activities. Participants can dress up, enjoy a gourmet meal at home, and engage in live chats with other attendees. Virtual galas often include online auctions and donation appeals.

  6. Virtual Challenges: Participants take on a specific challenge, such as a fitness challenge, a cooking challenge, or a creative challenge, and seek sponsorship or donations for their efforts. Virtual challenges can be shared on social media to create buzz and encourage participation.

These are just a few examples of the many virtual fundraising opportunities available. The key is to choose a format that aligns with your organization’s mission, target audience, and fundraising goals.

Benefits of Virtual Fundraising

Virtual fundraising offers a wide range of benefits for both organizations and participants. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Virtual fundraisers eliminate the need for venue rentals, catering, and other expenses associated with traditional in-person events. This allows organizations to allocate more funds directly to their cause.

  2. Scalability: Virtual fundraisers can reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers. Participants can join from anywhere in the world, expanding the potential donor pool and increasing fundraising opportunities.

  3. Convenience and Accessibility: Virtual fundraisers offer convenience and accessibility for participants. They can participate from the comfort of their own homes, at a time that suits them best. This makes virtual fundraisers inclusive for individuals with mobility issues or other limitations.

  4. Engagement and Interactivity: Virtual fundraisers can incorporate interactive and engaging activities to keep participants motivated and connected to the cause. This can include virtual challenges, online games, live performances, and virtual auctions. The interactive nature of virtual fundraisers enhances the overall participant experience.

  5. Data and Analytics: Virtual fundraising platforms often provide robust data and analytics tools. Organizations can track participant engagement, donation patterns, and other metrics to gain insights and optimize their fundraising strategies.

  6. Flexibility and Adaptability: Virtual fundraisers offer flexibility in terms of timing, format, and activities. They can be adapted to suit different causes, target audiences, and fundraising goals. Organizations can experiment with different approaches and iterate based on feedback and results.

These benefits make virtual fundraising an attractive option for organizations looking to raise funds, engage supporters, and make a meaningful impact.

How to Plan a Virtual Fundraiser

Planning a virtual fundraiser requires careful consideration and strategic execution. Here are some key steps to help you plan a successful virtual fundraiser:

  1. Define your goals: Clearly define your fundraising goals and objectives. Determine how much money you aim to raise and how the funds will be used. Having a clear goal will guide your planning and help you measure the success of your virtual fundraiser.

  2. Choose a virtual fundraising platform: Select a virtual fundraising platform that aligns with your organization’s needs and goals. Consider factors such as ease of use, features, pricing, and customer support. Some popular virtual fundraising platforms include Walkathon Virtual™, Fundly, and Classy.

  3. Plan your activities: Determine the activities and engagement strategies you will incorporate into your virtual fundraiser. Consider what will resonate with your target audience and align with your cause. Explore options such as virtual challenges, online auctions, live streaming events, and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.

  4. Create a compelling campaign: Develop a compelling campaign that tells a powerful story and connects with potential supporters. Use visuals, videos, and personal stories to create an emotional connection. Clearly communicate the impact of donations and how they will contribute to your cause.

  5. Promote your virtual fundraiser: Utilize digital marketing channels to promote your virtual fundraiser. Leverage social media, email marketing, and your organization’s website to spread the word. Encourage your existing supporters to share the fundraiser with their networks.

  6. Engage participants: Offer interactive and engaging activities to keep participants motivated and connected to the cause. This can include virtual challenges, online games, live performances, and virtual auctions. Provide regular updates and progress reports to show the impact of donations and keep participants engaged throughout the fundraiser.

  7. Collect donations: Make it easy for individuals to donate by providing multiple payment options, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, or mobile payment apps. Ensure that the donation process is secure and user-friendly. Consider offering suggested donation amounts and providing incentives for larger donations.

  8. Express gratitude and follow-up: Show appreciation to your donors and participants by sending personalized thank-you messages. Keep them informed about the impact of their contributions and how the funds are being used. Maintain ongoing communication to nurture relationships and encourage future involvement.

By following these steps and adapting them to your organization’s unique needs, you can plan and execute a successful virtual fundraiser.

Virtual Fundraising Platforms

Virtual fundraising platforms provide the necessary tools and infrastructure to host and manage virtual fundraisers. Here are some popular virtual fundraising platforms:

These platforms offer a range of features and capabilities to support your virtual fundraising efforts. Compare their offerings and choose the one that best suits your organization’s needs.

Virtual Fundraiser Success Stories

To inspire and provide real-world examples, here are a few virtual fundraiser success stories:

  1. Charity: Water’s Virtual Spring: Charity: Water, a nonprofit organization focused on providing clean and safe drinking water to people in need, hosted a virtual fundraising campaign called “Virtual Spring.” Participants pledged to give up their birthdays and instead asked friends and family to donate to the cause. The campaign raised over $1 million in its first year and has continued to be a successful annual event.

  2. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Virtual Walk/Run: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a leading pediatric treatment and research facility, organized a virtual walk/run event to raise funds for childhood cancer research. Participants registered online, tracked their steps using fitness apps, and shared their progress on social media. The event garnered widespread participation and raised significant funds for the hospital’s mission.

  3. American Cancer Society’s Virtual Gala: The American Cancer Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting cancer, hosted a virtual gala to replace its traditional in-person event. The virtual gala featured live performances, guest speakers, and online auctions. Participants dressed up, enjoyed gourmet meals at home, and engaged in live chats with other attendees. The event raised substantial funds and received positive feedback from participants.

These success stories demonstrate the power and potential of virtual fundraisers to make a significant impact and engage supporters in creative and meaningful ways.


a church service live-streamed from home 2020

How do virtual fundraisers work?

Virtual fundraisers work by utilizing digital platforms and technology to facilitate engagement, promotion, and donation collection. Participants join online events or campaigns, contribute funds, and engage in interactive activities to support a cause or organization.

Read more about “How do virtual fundraisers work?”

How to do virtual fundraising?

To do virtual fundraising, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a virtual fundraising platform.
  2. Set up your virtual fundraiser.
  3. Promote your virtual fundraiser.
  4. Engage participants with interactive activities.
  5. Collect donations through secure payment options.
  6. Express gratitude and follow-up with donors.

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What are online fundraisers called?

Online fundraisers are often referred to as virtual fundraisers or digital fundraisers. They leverage digital platforms and technology to engage donors, promote awareness, and collect donations.

What are the benefits of online fundraising?

The benefits of online fundraising include cost-effectiveness, scalability, convenience, accessibility, engagement, data and analytics, and flexibility. Online fundraising allows organizations to reach a global audience, reduce costs, and create immersive experiences for participants.

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Virtual fundraisers have revolutionized the way organizations raise funds and engage with supporters. By leveraging digital platforms and technology, virtual fundraisers offer convenience, accessibility, and engagement opportunities that traditional in-person events cannot match. They provide a cost-effective and scalable way to reach a global audience and make a meaningful impact.

When planning a virtual fundraiser, consider your organization’s goals, target audience, and available resources. Choose a virtual fundraising platform that aligns with your needs and offers the necessary features to support your campaign. Engage participants with interactive activities and create a compelling campaign that tells a powerful story. Promote your virtual fundraiser through digital marketing channels and leverage the power of social media.

Remember to express gratitude to your donors and participants, and keep them informed about the impact of their contributions. Maintain ongoing communication to nurture relationships and encourage future involvement.

Virtual fundraisers are here to stay, and they offer endless possibilities for organizations to raise funds, engage supporters, and make a lasting impact. Embrace the power of virtual fundraising and unlock the potential for success!

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