[2023] How to Create a Virtual Race with RunSignup: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to host a virtual race and need a platform to manage registrations, results, and fundraising? Look no further than RunSignup! In this comprehensive guide, our team of expert personal trainers and health professionals at Walkathon Virtual™ will walk you through the process of creating a virtual race using RunSignup. From planning and setup to promotion and fulfillment, we've got you covered. So lace up your virtual running shoes and let's get started!

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

To create a virtual race with RunSignup, simply sign in to your account, navigate to the "Race Director" dashboard, and follow the step-by-step process to set up your event. RunSignup offers a comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of your virtual race, including registration, results, fundraising, and more. With RunSignup, you can easily create a customized virtual race experience for your participants.

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Quick Tips and Facts

  • RunSignup is a leading platform for virtual races, offering a wide range of features and tools for race directors.
  • Virtual races allow participants to complete their race from any location, at any time, making them a flexible and inclusive option.
  • RunSignup provides a user-friendly interface and robust backend system to manage all aspects of your virtual race.
  • With RunSignup, you can customize your race website, set up registration options, track participant progress, and more.
  • Virtual races can be a great way to engage participants, raise funds for charity, and promote an active and healthy lifestyle.

Create a Virtual Race

Creating a virtual race with RunSignup is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:


Before diving into the setup process, it's a good idea to attend a virtual event seminar hosted by RunSignup. These seminars provide valuable insights and tips on how to plan and execute a successful virtual race. You'll learn about best practices, marketing strategies, and how to leverage the features offered by RunSignup. Check the RunSignup Event Calendar for upcoming seminars.


The first step in creating a virtual race is to plan and set up your event. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Choose a Date and Theme: Select a date for your virtual race and decide on a theme that aligns with your goals and target audience. This could be a holiday, a cause, or a specific challenge.

  2. Define Race Distances and Categories: Determine the race distances and categories you want to offer to participants. This could include options like a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or custom distances.

  3. Create a Race Website: Use RunSignup's intuitive website builder to create a customized race website. This will serve as the central hub for your virtual race, providing information, registration links, and updates to participants.

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  1. Set Registration Options: Configure the registration options for your virtual race, including pricing, early bird discounts, and additional add-ons like t-shirts or medals.

  2. Create Fundraising Opportunities: RunSignup offers robust fundraising tools that allow participants to raise money for your chosen charity or cause. Set up fundraising campaigns and encourage participants to get involved.

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Once you've set up your virtual race, it's time to promote it and attract participants. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Utilize Social Media: Leverage the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to spread the word about your virtual race. Create engaging posts, share participant stories, and use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.

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  1. Email Marketing: Build an email list of potential participants and send regular updates and reminders about your virtual race. Use compelling subject lines and personalized content to increase engagement.

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  1. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers or local running clubs to promote your virtual race. Their endorsement and reach can help you attract a larger audience and increase registrations.

  2. Offer Referral Incentives: Encourage participants to refer their friends and family to your virtual race by offering referral incentives such as discounts or exclusive merchandise.


As participants complete their virtual races, it's important to provide a seamless fulfillment process. Here's what you need to consider:

  1. Race Bibs and Merchandise: If you're offering race bibs or merchandise like t-shirts or medals, ensure timely delivery to participants. Use a reliable fulfillment service or partner with a local printing company.

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  1. Virtual Race Tracking: RunSignup offers a virtual race tracking feature that allows participants to submit their race times and distances. Make sure participants understand how to use this feature and provide clear instructions.

  2. Participant Communication: Keep participants informed about important updates and deadlines through regular email communication. Use automated emails to save time and ensure consistent messaging.


If you're using your virtual race as an opportunity to raise funds for a charity or cause, it's essential to streamline the donation process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Integrate Donation Options: RunSignup allows you to integrate donation options directly into your registration process. Participants can choose to make a donation during the registration process or create their own fundraising campaigns.

  2. Highlight Impact: Show participants the impact their donations can make by sharing success stories or testimonials from previous fundraising campaigns. This can motivate participants to donate and help you reach your fundraising goals.


One of the key benefits of hosting a virtual race is the flexibility it offers participants to complete their races at their own pace and location. Here's how you can manage virtual race results:

  1. Virtual Race Tracking: Encourage participants to use RunSignup's virtual race tracking feature to submit their race times and distances. This can be done through GPS tracking apps or manually entering the data.

  2. Leaderboards: Create virtual leaderboards to showcase top performers in each race category. This adds a competitive element to your virtual race and motivates participants to achieve their personal best.


Even though participants are completing their races individually, you can still create a sense of community and excitement on race day. Here are some ideas:

  1. Virtual Opening Ceremony: Kick off your virtual race with a virtual opening ceremony. This can be done through a live stream on social media or a pre-recorded video message from the race director.

  2. Race Day Swag: Encourage participants to dress up in race-themed attire and share their photos on social media using a designated hashtag. This creates a sense of camaraderie and allows participants to connect with each other.

  3. Virtual Finish Line: Celebrate participants' achievements by creating a virtual finish line experience. This can include personalized virtual medals, certificates, and a virtual celebration on social media.

10 Ways to Improve Your Virtual Race with RunSignup

Here are 10 tips to help you make the most of RunSignup's features and enhance your virtual race experience:

  1. Customize Your Race Website: Use RunSignup's website builder to create a visually appealing and informative race website that reflects your brand and race theme.

  2. Offer Virtual Challenges: Create additional virtual challenges or milestones that participants can complete alongside their main race. This adds an extra layer of engagement and motivation.

  3. Leverage Social Sharing: Enable social sharing options on your registration confirmation page and post-race results page. This allows participants to share their achievements on social media and helps promote your virtual race.

  4. Provide Virtual Race Resources: Create a resource hub on your race website with training plans, nutrition tips, and motivational content to support participants throughout their virtual race journey.

  5. Gamify the Experience: Incorporate gamification elements into your virtual race by offering badges or achievements for completing certain milestones or challenges.

  6. Encourage Participant Interaction: Create a dedicated social media group or forum where participants can connect, share their experiences, and support each other. This fosters a sense of community and helps participants stay motivated.

  7. Host Virtual Race Clinics: Organize virtual race clinics or webinars to provide participants with training tips, race strategy advice, and Q&A sessions with experienced runners or coaches.

  8. Recognize Top Fundraisers: Highlight and recognize participants who have gone above and beyond in their fundraising efforts. This can be done through social media shoutouts, personalized emails, or virtual awards.

  9. Offer Virtual Race Swag: Consider offering virtual race swag like digital badges, wallpapers, or exclusive discounts from sponsors. This adds value to the virtual race experience and gives participants something to look forward to.

  10. Collect Participant Feedback: After the virtual race is over, send out a participant feedback survey to gather insights and suggestions for improvement. This will help you make future virtual races even better.


In addition to virtual races, RunSignup also offers virtual challenges. These challenges allow participants to set goals and track their progress over a specific period of time. Whether it's a step challenge, a cycling challenge, or a fundraising challenge, virtual challenges can be a great way to engage participants and promote an active lifestyle.

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If you're organizing a virtual race for a larger community or organization, RunSignup offers additional community solutions to meet your needs. These solutions include:

  • Corporate Team Events: Engage employees and promote a healthy workplace culture by organizing corporate team events. RunSignup allows you to create custom team options and track team performance.

  • Nonprofit Fundraising: If you're a nonprofit organization, RunSignup provides powerful fundraising tools to help you raise funds for your cause. From peer-to-peer fundraising to donation websites, RunSignup has you covered.

Advice For First Time Virtual Race Directors

If you're a first-time virtual race director, here are some additional tips to help you get started:

  • Start Small: If you're new to virtual races, consider starting with a smaller event to familiarize yourself with the process. This will help you gain confidence and learn from any challenges that may arise.

  • Build a Support Team: Recruit volunteers or a small team to help you manage various aspects of your virtual race. Delegating tasks will alleviate some of the workload and ensure a smoother event execution.

  • Stay Flexible: Virtual races offer flexibility, so be open to adapting your plans based on participant feedback and changing circumstances. Embrace the unique opportunities that virtual races present and be willing to experiment.

Keep up with the latest on Virtual Events

Virtual events are constantly evolving, and it's important to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices. Follow the RunSignup Blog for the latest news, tips, and insights on virtual races and events.


Kindergarten little boy student looking at a laptop computer while participating in distance home learning during coronavirus quarantine.

Q: How do I submit virtual results to RunSignup?
A: To submit virtual results to RunSignup, participants can use the virtual race tracking feature available on the RunSignup platform. They can either use a GPS tracking app to record their race time and distance or manually enter the data. Once submitted, the results will be displayed on the virtual race leaderboard.

Q: How do I join a virtual run?
A: To join a virtual run, participants need to visit the race website or registration page provided by the race director. They can then follow the registration process and pay the registration fee, if applicable. Once registered, participants will receive instructions on how to complete the virtual run and submit their results.

Q: How do I set up a virtual run?
A: To set up a virtual run, you can use a platform like RunSignup. Sign in to your RunSignup account, navigate to the "Race Director" dashboard, and follow the step-by-step process to set up your virtual run. This includes defining race distances, creating a race website, setting registration options, and managing virtual race results.

Q: How do you complete a virtual run?
A: To complete a virtual run, participants need to choose a location and route to run, walk, or bike. They can use a GPS tracking app or a fitness tracker to record their race time and distance. Once completed, participants can submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature provided by the race director.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual cycling events?
A: Yes, RunSignup can be used for virtual cycling events. The platform offers features and tools to track cycling distances and times, allowing participants to complete their virtual cycling events and submit their results. Participants can use GPS tracking apps or fitness trackers to record their cycling data.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual charity walks?
A: Absolutely! RunSignup is a versatile platform that can be used for various virtual events, including virtual charity walks. You can customize your virtual charity walk event, set up fundraising campaigns, and track participant progress. RunSignup's fundraising tools make it easy for participants to raise funds for your chosen charity or cause.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual marathons?
A: Yes, RunSignup can be used for virtual marathons. The platform allows you to set up customized race distances, manage registration options, track participant progress, and provide virtual race results. Whether it's a full marathon, half marathon, or a custom distance, RunSignup has the features you need to host a successful virtual marathon.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual triathlons?
A: While RunSignup is primarily focused on running events, you can still use the platform for virtual triathlons by manually entering the swim and bike distances. Participants can use GPS tracking apps or fitness trackers to record their swim, bike, and run data, and submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual fun runs?
A: Yes, RunSignup is a great platform for hosting virtual fun runs. You can create a fun and engaging virtual race experience for participants, complete with customizable race websites, virtual race tracking, and virtual race results. Whether it's a themed fun run or a family-friendly event, RunSignup has the tools to make it a success.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual obstacle course races?
A: While RunSignup doesn't have specific features for virtual obstacle course races, you can still use the platform to manage registrations, track participant progress, and provide virtual race results. Participants can complete the obstacle course at their own location and submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual color runs?
A: Yes, RunSignup can be used for virtual color runs. Participants can complete their own color run at their chosen location and submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature. RunSignup allows you to customize your race website, manage registration options, and track participant progress.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual half marathons?
A: Absolutely! RunSignup is an ideal platform for hosting virtual half marathons. You can set up customized race distances, manage registration options, and provide virtual race results. Participants can complete their virtual half marathon at their own pace and location, and submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual 5K races?
A: Yes, RunSignup is a popular platform for hosting virtual 5K races. You can create a customized virtual race experience for participants, manage registration options, and track participant progress. Participants can complete their virtual 5K at their own pace and location, and submit their results through the virtual race tracking feature.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual charity runs?
A: Absolutely! RunSignup offers robust fundraising tools that make it easy to host virtual charity runs. You can set up fundraising campaigns, track participant fundraising progress, and provide virtual race results. Participants can raise funds for your chosen charity or cause while completing their virtual run.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual walks?
A: Yes, RunSignup is a versatile platform that can be used for virtual walks. You can customize your virtual walk event, set up fundraising campaigns, and track participant progress. RunSignup's fundraising tools make it easy for participants to raise funds for your chosen charity or cause while completing their virtual walk.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual team events?
A: Yes, RunSignup offers features to host virtual team events. You can create custom team options, track team performance, and provide virtual race results. Whether it's a corporate team event or a community-based team event, RunSignup has the tools to make it a success.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual school events?
A: Absolutely! RunSignup can be used for virtual school events such as virtual fun runs or virtual fundraisers. You can customize your event, manage registration options, and track participant progress. RunSignup's fundraising tools make it easy for participants to raise funds for your school or organization.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual fundraising events?
A: Yes, RunSignup is an excellent platform for hosting virtual fundraising events. You can set up fundraising campaigns, track participant fundraising progress, and provide virtual race results. Whether it's a virtual walk, run, or cycling event, RunSignup has the features you need to raise funds for your cause.

Q: Can I use RunSignup for virtual challenges?
A: Absolutely! RunSignup offers virtual challenges that allow participants to set goals and track their progress over a specific period of time. Whether it's a step challenge, a cycling challenge, or a fundraising challenge, RunSignup has the tools to engage participants and promote an active lifestyle.


Organized Blogger Workstation

Creating a virtual race with RunSignup is an exciting and rewarding experience. With their comprehensive platform and user-friendly interface, you can easily plan, promote, and manage your virtual race from start to finish. Whether you're a seasoned race director or a first-timer, RunSignup provides the tools and support you need to host a successful virtual race. So why wait? Start planning your virtual race with RunSignup today and provide an unforgettable experience for your participants.

virtual reality meets physical therapy

Visit the Walkathon Virtual™ site for more information on virtual races and events.

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