7 Steps to Create Your Own FREE Virtual Race [2024] 🏃‍♀️

Video: Easy Steps for Joining/Creating a Virtual Run Challenge.

Imagine this: you’re organizing a fun, community-driven event, raising funds for a great cause, and boosting fitness – all without spending a single dime. Sounds like a dream, right? But it’s completely achievable! Our experts at Walkathon Virtual® have curated the ultimate guide to help you create your very own free virtual race with no hidden fees or complicated setups. Ready to turn your vision into reality? Let’s dive in!

Quick Answer

  • Free virtual races are becoming increasingly popular because they’re incredibly flexible, accessible, and cost-effective! 🏃‍♀️🌏🎉
  • It’s easily possible to host a free virtual race using the right tools like RunGo for planning routes, engaging participants with audio cues, and creating a rewarding experience. 🎧
  • Promote your race on social media, email marketing, and your website to spread the word and attract a bigger audience. 📣
  • Get started! 👉 CHECK PRICE on: Virtual Race Platforms | Walkathon Virtual™ Official Website | RunGo: RunGo Website

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Tips and Facts
  2. Why host your own virtual race?
  3. How to Host Your Own Free Virtual Race: A Step-by-Step Guide
  4. You can DIY at no cost
  5. It all starts with a route
  6. What will participants hear?
    * Optimize your route
    * Create a RunGo Group to organize or promote your race and share updates
    * Recorded audio messages (paid feature):
    * GPS-verified leaderboard plus manual submission form (paid feature)
    * Leaderboard can be set as one activity, cumulative towards a distance, or a series or multi-route
    * Achievement badges (paid feature)
    * Shareable images for participants (paid feature)
  7. Route verification
  8. Test run!
  9. How to explain your race powered by RunGo to your participants
  10. Promote Your Virtual Race
  11. Conclusion
  12. Recommended Links
  13. FAQ
  14. [Reference Links] (#reference-links)

Quick Tips and Facts

You can create a free virtual race! 🤯 You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive software or race timers — the whole thing can be pulled off with simple online tools. It’s an amazing way to connect with your community, raise funds for a good cause, or simply have a lot of fun! 🏃‍♀️🏆 Our team of personal trainers and health professionals at Walkathon Virtual™ have curated these tips to help you!

Why host your own virtual race?

The possibilities are endless! Imagine this–a free virtual race based on a theme like “Walk for a Cure,” “Run for the Ocean,” or “Stride for Literacy.” It’s a fantastic way to unite people from all over the world, bring awareness to important causes and even boost fitness! 💪 🌎

Hosting your own virtual race can be a lot of fun and has many benefits!

  • Boost participant engagement: Virtual races are incredibly flexible – you can run, walk, or even dance your way to completing the course! It appeals to a broader audience.
  • Increase accessibility: They can be done anytime, anywhere – making them convenient for people of different fitness levels and abilities. Think of it like this, even someone with limited mobility can participate, walking a few laps around their living room or backyard!
  • Reduce costs: Since you’re going virtual, you eliminate the need for physical venues, race registration fees, and expensive event organization. More money goes towards your cause!
  • Expand your event reach: Virtual races have a global reach—no longer limited by geographical boundaries. More people mean more support and more fun!

👉 CHECK PRICE on: Virtual Race Platforms | Walkathon Virtual™ Official Website

How to Host Your Own Free Virtual Race: A Step-by-Step Guide

We suggest using a free app like RunGo to host your race. It’s user-friendly and offers basic features to get you started. Plus, you can opt for a paid premium version for enhanced functionality if you want to take your event to the next level!

You can DIY at no cost

There are many platforms available for free, and you can manage the rest on Facebook or your website. Use “RunGo” to plan the route, communicate with your participants, and keep them motivated. RunGo can be used to plan the route, communicate with participants, and keep them motivated. This is a great way to start:

  1. Set your goals and objectives: Decide what you want to achieve with your race, like raising X dollars for charity, increasing awareness for a cause, or having a fun activity with friends.
  2. Choose a date and time: Pick a date and time that will work best for the majority of your participants.
  3. Create a virtual race theme: Brainstorm something engaging and unique; it could be related to a cause, a season, or a holiday! Think “Run for the Rainforest”, “Walk for World Peace,” or a festive “Christmas Carol Run”.
  4. Design a logo and marketing materials: A logo helps people recognize your event. Use free design tools like Canva! This can be as simple designing a poster to promote on social media.
  5. Create a registration form: Use Google Forms or Survey Monkey to gather participants’ information.
  6. Promote your virtual race: Blast it out to your network! Share on social media, email, and websites.

It all starts with a route

Are you ready to create a course that will fire up your runners? Here’s how you do it. The fun part comes next where you create the course and make it interactive:

What kind of race do I want: real race, hybrid, or 100% virtual?

Imagine this: would you like your participants to run an actual route or create a virtual race they can do anywhere? Think of a real race, a hybrid race, or a 100% virtual race.

  • Real Race: Participants could race a specific route in your city. This could be a real path, a trail around a park, or even the streets of your neighborhood!
  • Hybrid Race: This would blend real and virtual events. In-person participants would run the official course, while others could complete the same distance in a location of their choosing.
  • 100% Virtual Race: Give participants complete freedom to run or walk their course at any location worldwide–indoors or outdoors. They’re not limited by geography – runners in London can compete alongside runners in Tokyo!
Getting started with your route or routes
  • Create your route: Choose a route that appeals to your participants. Make the route challenging yet manageable. 🏃‍♀️
  • Decide on your race distance: 5k, 10k, or a half-marathon. Consider the participants’ fitness levels.
  • Utilize RunGo’s course creator: This is the key to bringing your route to life.
  • RunGo routes: Explore some premade routes to get a sense of what exciting options are already available.
Route examples that fire up runners:

Here are a few awesome route ideas that you could use to inspire your participants. You might even use them as a starting point for your virtual race.

Route 1: City Sightseeing

This route takes participants on a beautiful tour of your city! Get creative with stops at famous landmarks or scenic spots. It’s a great option for a hybrid race, where participants can run the same route virtually or in person! 🏙️

Route 2: Scenic Nature Trail

Embrace the beautiful outdoors! This route explores a picturesque nature trail. 🌲 You could even include audio cues describing the natural environment, like birds singing or the sound of a babbling brook. This can boost interest for participants who wish to explore the great outdoors in a virtual manner.

Route 3: Virtual Global Adventure

Travel the world from the comfort of your home! 🌎 With voice navigation and custom messages, take your participants on a fantastic journey through various cities. You could even feature themed audio clips from different cultures.

Route 4: Themed Challenge

Get creative with a themed race! For example, a “Zombie Run” with spooky audio cues, or a “Star Wars” race featuring sound effects from your favorite movie! 🎃💫

Route 5: Themed Challenge: Virtual Trek Adventure

Imagine this: A virtual hike through the Himalayas or the Amazon! Feature audio recordings of nature sounds, like rustling leaves or animal calls. Themed challenges make participating in a virtual race more engaging.

What will participants hear?

The audio experience is what brings the virtual race to life. Imagine being on the route, listening to messages from inspirational figures, a guide describing the scenery, or encouraging sounds. Here’s what you can do:

Optimize your route
  • Use RunGo’s route builder to add turn points, streets, and voice messages for clear navigation.
  • Include instructions on how to use the app.
  • Use a range of audio cues: Voice messages, sounds, and even music!
  • Place audio cues at least 100 meters apart for a smooth listening experience.
  • Use punctuation for pause effects in voice messages.
  • Add Custom Points to tell stories or highlight points of interest, like local landmarks.
  • Explore RunGo’s library of sound effects – they can really add to the ambiance.
  • Create a story to make the virtual route more engaging.
  • Make sure the audio is clear and easy to hear.
Create a RunGo Group to organize or promote your race and share updates

This allows you to share information about your event, send updates to participants, and even offer encouragement!

Recorded audio messages (paid feature):
  • You can upgrade to RunGo Premium for the option to record your own messages.
  • The ability to record a variety of audio messages, making the experience more impactful.
GPS-verified leaderboard plus manual submission form (paid feature)
  • Include an option for participants to have their runs automatically tracked by their phones.
  • Create a leaderboard that showcases participants’ progress.
  • Provide an alternative way for runners to submit their finishing time if GPS tracking is not an option.
Leaderboard can be set as one activity, cumulative towards a distance, or a series or multi-route

Create a fun and interactive element, especially for those who like to track their progress throughout the race.

Achievement badges (paid feature)
  • Encourage people to participate by offering them virtual badges upon completion of the race. 🏆
  • Add a competitive aspect by offering more prestigious badges for those who go above and beyond.
  • You could even have a “Top 3 finishers” badge!
Shareable images for participants (paid feature)
  • Encourage participation by offering a digital photo booth to participants! 📸
  • Allow participants to share a digital image of their race-day stats, personalized with your logo, to social media for easy promotion.

Route verification

RunGo has built-in route verification, a paid feature. This is essential for ensuring a perfect route.

What’s the point of verification? It’s to guarantee that your virtual course is seamless, with accurate mileage and navigation instructions, for an enjoyable race experience for your participants!

Test run!

Before launching your virtual race, test the route yourself.

  • Run the route in virtual mode: Use RunGo to see how the navigation and audio cues work and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Listen to your voice messages: Ensure clarity and accuracy of instructions.
  • Share the route with a friend: Get feedback on their experience, and any suggestions they have.

How to explain your race powered by RunGo to your participants

  • Provide easy-to-follow instructions: Include a link to the RunGo app, and a quick guide to download and set up RunGo.
  • Utilize visual aids: Include screenshots, videos, or step-by-step guides.
  • Create FAQs: Answer any questions participants might have!

Examples and kind of races you can host

  • Simple, no app: If participants choose to run a self-timed race, you will rely on the RunGo leaderboard and manual submission form — a simple, effective option!
  • Open Course Racing: Participants could run the actual route in person with your personalized voice navigation and custom messages added to the experience.
  • Remote Course Racing: The virtual experience! They can run the route from anywhere – a treadmill in their living room, a park in a new city, or a scenic trail.
  • Hybrid Races: Combine in-person and remote participants for a unified experience.
  • Multi-Route Events: Offer a series of routes– challenge participants to run multiple courses in a city.
  • Fundraiser Events: Use RunGo to raise funds for a cause.


woman doing weight lifting

Hosting a free virtual race is incredibly rewarding. It’s an experience that brings people together, encourages active lifestyles, raises funds for charities, and makes a positive impact. You can empower people to reach their fitness goals, connect with like-minded individuals, and be a part of a meaningful cause. And with the help of tools like RunGo, making your dream event a reality is surprisingly easy! 🙌

Remember: Don’t be afraid to get creative—have fun and enjoy the process of bringing your virtual race to life.


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How to create a virtual race? 🤔

It’s easier than you think! Here’s a simple roadmap:

  1. Decide on your race type: Real, hybrid, or 100% virtual.
  2. Choose a date and time: Make sure it works for most participants.
  3. Pick a theme: This adds excitement! Choose a fun and engaging one.
  4. Create a route: Use RunGo for the best experience.
  5. Design marketing materials: A logo and posters can help with promotion.
  6. Promote your race: Spread the word on social media and other platforms.
  7. Create a registration form: Collect participant information.

What other platforms can I use to create a virtual race?

There are other great platforms, but RunGo is a favorite for its ease of use and beginner-friendly features. For more advanced options, you could explore Racery.com or check out Donorbox.org’s features for virtual 5k fundraising events.

Are virtual races worth it? 🤔

Absolutely! Virtual races offer unique benefits:

  • Accessibility: Anyone can participate, anywhere.
  • Flexibility: Participants run at their own pace and schedule.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Save on venue costs and physical race paraphernalia.

Why do people do virtual races? 🤔

People choose virtual races for different reasons:

  • Flexibility and Convenience: Participants can run or walk whenever and wherever it’s convenient.
  • Personal Challenges: It’s a chance to set personal fitness goals and achieve them.
  • Community: Connecting with others who share similar interests.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Often more affordable than traditional races.
  • Accessibility: Participants of all abilities and fitness levels can participate.

Remember: Virtual races are a fun, engaging, and rewarding way to promote fitness, connect with others, and make a positive impact! Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Walkathon Virtual™ if you need help with your own race! We’d be happy to help!

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